Friday 18 January 2013

A new year and new goals

The last year has been quite turbulent and demanding, but was also successful. I had some really good races, experienced my first DNF, received my PhD, started a postdoctoral fellow position at the University of Alberta, started coaching with the Edmonton Triathlon Academy, and most importantly became father to a little baby boy born on August 23 named Sean. I still can't believe that all that happened last year.

Anyway, 2012 is over and 2013 is in full swing. What will be my part in 2013? Besides spending most of my time with my little family, this year I definitely won't be as competitive as I was last year. This means, I will race for the sake of having fun and not try to reach a certain time goal. So far, I am only signed up for the Great White North Triathlon (GWN) in July, but I am also considering participating in the Black Foot Ultra 50 mile running race in May. I always wanted to know how it feels to run (walk) 50 miles ;) Since there are no major triathlon goals this year, now it would be the best time to try it out. Anyway, we will see what happens. I am also really looking forward to bicycle racing this year again.

Besides my goals as an athlete, this year I will also put a major focus on starting up my coaching career. Last year I shadowed Bill Humby from the University of Alberta Varsity Swim Team as well as Kevin Clark from the Edmonton Triathlon Academy (ETA). Both taught me many valuable things I am really grateful for. This year, I continue working with Kevin who is currently mentoring me  coaching the swim session of the ETA age group program.

That's a rough schedule of what lies ahead of me.

If you like, stay tuned and as always happy training!
