Monday 10 September 2012

A quick update on my progress: II

The past weeks have been extremely busy and some major events happened in my life. The first one was that Sanja and I became parents of a baby boy named Sean :) This little guy is absolutely amazing and the best that could ever happen to us.

Secondly, I successfully defended my PhD degree! Given these circumstances I wasn't able to train as focused as I did before, nonetheless I am very happy how my training progresses. I have to say though that I am mentally quite tired now and cannot push hard intervals on the track and in the pool anymore. On the bike however,  I am still working as hard as I can, and to my surprise, I am still progressing significantly. As for running and swimming I increased distance since it's easier to deal with mentally. Although I increased the distance, these runs/swims are not slow. I am able to run and swim comfortably and steady 4:40min/km for 30+ km runs, and swim 1:35min/100m for 4km, respectively. I guess this is good enough and with the right motivation on race day, I am sure I will do well!


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