Monday 2 September 2013

Injury update and Skyline Trail

Hi all!

It's been a while since I posted here the last time. If you followed my blog, you probably read that I head some hip flexor issues. Good news is it finally healed up, bad news is now my right knee is somewhat uncooperative recently. Due to the hip flexor injury, I wasn't able to participate in the Blackfoot 50-miler, which I was really looking forward to. Now with the Lost Soul Ultra (100km for me) coming up, I am a little bit afraid what is going to happen there ... Not only that the knee is troubling me, but also due to both injuries, I wasn't able to really train for the Ultra distance. Now I am consistently asking myself whether it will be a good idea to give it a try this weekend or whether it will lead into even more injury ... But since I already pulled the plug for the Blackfoot 50-miler earlier this year, I will now at least toe the start line, give it a try and see how things unfold during this hopefully sub 15h journey.

Nonetheless, I also had a wonderful longer run with Pat and Ben when we ran Skyline Trail during August long weekend. It was also Pat's bachelor party :) Here the video if you are interested: Skyline 2013.

I tried to take a time lapse of this run with my GoPro strapped on my forehead but this resulted in a awkward running technique to keep my head levelled. In the end the whole time lapse didn't work out and Pat's little videos were WAAAAY better as you can see in the Youtube clip.

This was a great run and it gave me some confidence that I can, even with barely any run training, have good long run. With this run in my legs I decided to try Lost Soul and see how it unfolds.

Stay tuned if you are interested in the Lost Soul race report :)

Happy training!

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