Friday 17 May 2013

Blackfoot Ultra without me / A few notes on injuries

So, it is official - I won't start my first Ultra marathon this month due to a nagging hip flexor/groin injury. This past weekend I ran one loop of the official Blackfoot run, and man I have to say WHAT A BEAUTIFUL COURSE!!! If you ever have the chance to fit this race into your schedule, do it! You won't regret it.

This test run however, also showed me that my leg isn't really ready yet to run for multiple hours. With this race off my list, I am looking forward to what comes next and hopefully get this injury healed up.

A quick note on injuries:
Almost all the major injuries I had so far (= injuries were I was barely able to walk), were caused not by doing too much volume but rather by doing too much AND too quick (a.k.a. stupid things).

My first Achilles tendonitis was due to a steep 5km hike. I never did this sort of uphill hiking before, but since I was in good physical condition, I went up that hill pretty quick. The next day, I could feel the tendon the first time and shortly after my life turned into a 6-months nightmare. During the 7th month, I was able to slowly start running again and was fully recovered a few weeks later

My second Achilles tendonitis (on the other leg), was initiated in the gym while doing squats with weights. It was the first time for me in the gym during the off-season and instead of being smart about it, I ramped up the weights to quick and my second 6-months nightmare was about to begin. Luckily, it was the off-season and by the time summer came by I had it under control. 

My most recent longer-lasting injury (about 5 weeks now) happened while cycling too hard and too quick after a period of being off the bike for almost 6 months. I took part in a research study that involved hard cycling 14 days in a row. During the second week, I could feel some irritation in my hip flexor/groin area but kept on going hard. Again, I set myself up for the next injury, which now prevented me from participating in my first ultra marathon.

Writing it all out here will hopefully help me to identify these stupid things ("too much-too quick") right away and to respond "You know what, that sounds intriguing, but I pass!".

Stay healthy!


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