Saturday 4 May 2013

My first 50-miler is coming up and I have groin pain - yeehaaaw

The Blackfoot Ultra is coming up (May 25) and I am dealing with some groin issues in my left leg for about three weeks now. I tried to run a few minutes every now and then but I still cannot get back to training. This is very frustrating but I guess I have to swallow that pill. Hopefully, it will heal up soon so that I am able to start at least and see where it takes me. The reason why I got this groin issue was that I participated in a research study that involved 14 consecutive days of intensive cycling. I was hoping that this study will get me into training and racing mode, which it did, but my legs, or rather some muscles in my groin area got over-used in the process. Looks like I was a bit too optimistic to agree to such a study after 6-months of no cycling at all. The result: perhaps no 50-miler for me and most likely no road racing next weekend, i.e. Velocity stage race without me :(

This winter/spring hasn't been the best start in the season. Besides the groin issue, I also pulled my right lower abdominal muscle while swimming (flip turn too far off the wall and pushing my legs into nothing). This lower abdominal pain never really felt extremely painful but was very persistent and took 4 months to totally disappear. Since I kept on running, I also started to developed a mild Plantar fasciitis on my left foot most likely due to favouring the left leg in order to minimize the pain from the injured abdominal muscle on the right side. Yeah, it crazy I know. Now since these conditions are gone, I recently added the groin issue on my list of injuries for this year.

Anyway, at least I am able to swim long and quite frequently without any problems. I wonder how long this will last for though - haha ;)

BTW, I also signed up for the Iron Horse 100 (100 km) in October this year, and for the Edmonton ITU Olympic Triathlon (June 23).

After this bumpy start into the season, I hope my time will come and I am able to excel during the second half of the year :)

May the 4th be with you!


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